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产 品: 浏览次数:1384供应精制黑木耳 
单 价: 252.00/件 
最小起订量: 1 件 
供货总量: 100 件
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 10 天内发货
更新日期: 2010-02-26 07:28  有效期至:长期有效
精制黑木耳黑木耳含有丰富的蛋白质、铁、钙、维生素、多种氨基酸和微量元素。味道鲜美,具有益气强身、滋肾养胃的作用。可减少心脑血管疾病的发生。同时黑木耳还具有较强的吸附作用,经常食用有利于使体内产生的垃圾及时排出。对胆结石、肾结石等也有较好的化解功能。本品采用长白山区地产黑木耳,经反复筛选,剔除不合格品,自然干燥而成。确保木耳有效成份不被破坏。食用时不需挑选、清洗。即泡即食,快捷方便。是馈赠亲友,居家食用之必备佳品。吉卫食证字(2007)第220681-SC0011号[执行标准] Q/JLLS13-2009[食用方法]温开水浸泡复原后,供炒食、炖食或煲汤[产品规格] 20g/袋、8袋/盒[贮藏方法]干燥密封保存[制 造 商]吉林省利生源生物制品有限公司[厂址]吉林省临江市大湖街道利生源大街58号[销售热线](0439)5251988[传真](0439)5250888E-mail:lsyswzpyxgs@yahoo.com.cnhttp://www.jllsy.comFine Black FungusBlack Fungus is rich in protein, iron, calcium, vitamins, various amino acids and trace elements. Delicious taste, it bears the functions ofinvigoratingqi and improving health, nourishing kidney and keeping stomach. It can reduceoccurrencesof cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. At the same time, black fungus also has a strong adsorption function, with frequent consumption, it is beneficial to timely elimination of the body waste, and also bears a better resolving function to gallstones, kidney stones, etc.This product adopts black fungus grown in Changbai Mountain area, and it is processed through repeated screening, removing substandard goods and natural drying, which ensuring the active ingredient of fungus is not destructed. You need not to select or clean it while for human consumption; it is ready-to-eat, quick and convenient. It is an essential perfect gift for relatives and friends and for home consumption.[Hygiene License No.] Ji Hygiene Food License Character (2007) No.SC0011[Executive Standard]Q/JLLS13-2009[Method for human consumption] After recovery from warm water immersion, it can be used for frying, stewing or braising soup.[Product specifications] 20g/bag, 8bags/box[Storage] Sealed dry preservationManufacturer: LISHENGYUAN BlOLOGlCAL PRODUCT CO.,LTD OF JlLIN PROVlNCEAddress: No.58, Lishengyuan St., Dahu Dist., Linjiang City, Jilin ProvinceSales Hotlines:(0439)5251988Fax:(0439)5250888